Whether a regular camper or going out for the first time, you will likely be shopping for a sleeping bag. To help you make the best purchase, you will want to know the features and components of camping sleeping bags to make a wise decision.
Age Like other camping stuff, there are sleeping bags for children of different ages. In fact, you can find several sleeping bags that are designed for your son or daughter. Make sure to select a sleeping bag that is large enough, so he or she will not quickly outgrow it.
PRICE- Price ranges for camping sleeping bags and other camping items varies widely. Some of the factors that affect price include the name brand, the quality, materials used and other factors. When beginning your camping stuff shopping list, make sure to set a budget. This will help you find the best sleeping bags and the rest while keeping your family budget in place.
MATERIALS- This is an important element in shopping for sleeping bags. Higher quality materials means that your sleeping bag should be not only warmer, but softer and have more water resistance as well. Check breath ability of water resistant sleeping bags, as this will impact the breathing factor of your fabric. You will also want to understand the filling. The rule of getting what you pay for is true with sleeping bags, and the materials used make a big difference in quality.
Portability: As with other camping stuff, consider how easy the sleeping bag is to transport. When hiking in particular, you will want to prevent choosing a sleeping bag that is too heavy and bulky. If you do not want to spend a lot of time rolling up your sleeping bag, then choose one with a "stuff bag."
RATINGS- Depending on what season you will be camping, you want to find the right camping stuff. Camping sleeping bags have a rating system of 1-5. A general overview of these ratings:
Season 1: Summer Season 2: Spring and Summer Season 3: Spring, Summer, and Autumn Season 4: Winter Season 5: Expedition
This system isn't an exact science, but rather a guideline to choosing a sleeping bag that is going to be warm enough during your camping season. Warm days might equal cool nights, and not having the right bag can leave you chilly.
Shape: You can find camping sleeping bags in several different shapes. However, the most common ones are Rectangular, Mummy, and Barrel. The main benefit of Rectangular sleeping bags is that they are roomy. If you are not particularly concerned about heat escaping from the sleeping bag, then this is an excellent option. As its name suggests, a Mummy-shaped sleeping bag is tapered at the legs. This minimizes the amount of heat that escapes the sleeping bag-and thus provides an optimum amount of warmth. Thirdly, the Barrel-shaped sleeping bag combines the shape of the Rectangular and Mummy sleeping bag. It resembles a Mummy bag, but is wider towards the middle-like a barrel is.
To make your next camping trip perfect, you will need the perfect sleeping bag for camping. These before mentioned characteristics are some of the most important ones to consider. Keeping them in mind will help you to sleep peacefully while in the wild.
Age Like other camping stuff, there are sleeping bags for children of different ages. In fact, you can find several sleeping bags that are designed for your son or daughter. Make sure to select a sleeping bag that is large enough, so he or she will not quickly outgrow it.
PRICE- Price ranges for camping sleeping bags and other camping items varies widely. Some of the factors that affect price include the name brand, the quality, materials used and other factors. When beginning your camping stuff shopping list, make sure to set a budget. This will help you find the best sleeping bags and the rest while keeping your family budget in place.
MATERIALS- This is an important element in shopping for sleeping bags. Higher quality materials means that your sleeping bag should be not only warmer, but softer and have more water resistance as well. Check breath ability of water resistant sleeping bags, as this will impact the breathing factor of your fabric. You will also want to understand the filling. The rule of getting what you pay for is true with sleeping bags, and the materials used make a big difference in quality.
Portability: As with other camping stuff, consider how easy the sleeping bag is to transport. When hiking in particular, you will want to prevent choosing a sleeping bag that is too heavy and bulky. If you do not want to spend a lot of time rolling up your sleeping bag, then choose one with a "stuff bag."
RATINGS- Depending on what season you will be camping, you want to find the right camping stuff. Camping sleeping bags have a rating system of 1-5. A general overview of these ratings:
Season 1: Summer Season 2: Spring and Summer Season 3: Spring, Summer, and Autumn Season 4: Winter Season 5: Expedition
This system isn't an exact science, but rather a guideline to choosing a sleeping bag that is going to be warm enough during your camping season. Warm days might equal cool nights, and not having the right bag can leave you chilly.
Shape: You can find camping sleeping bags in several different shapes. However, the most common ones are Rectangular, Mummy, and Barrel. The main benefit of Rectangular sleeping bags is that they are roomy. If you are not particularly concerned about heat escaping from the sleeping bag, then this is an excellent option. As its name suggests, a Mummy-shaped sleeping bag is tapered at the legs. This minimizes the amount of heat that escapes the sleeping bag-and thus provides an optimum amount of warmth. Thirdly, the Barrel-shaped sleeping bag combines the shape of the Rectangular and Mummy sleeping bag. It resembles a Mummy bag, but is wider towards the middle-like a barrel is.
About the Author:
If you like most people require more information before you pick the right solution you can find a lot more on Camping Sleeping Bags to show you the way. To get a Pro attitude have a look at Advice on Camping Stuff
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